Saturday, April 15, 2006

Time Cog

Gets me through the night faster.

"The Time Cog?"


"What is it?"

It's a device that sort of speeds up time. Not the kind of time on a watch - not man made time - but real time. Time that you can feel. Time that your brain knows is passing. You access it by creamating old ladies, transfiguring dog faces into dump trucks, and other literal methods of attempting to excite some rarely used areas of your brain.

You see, that sick area of your mind always has more energy than the other parts.

"Why is that?"

Because that part is never used. It's a recessed recess that few try to access becaused they stopped going back in elementary school.

"You still take recess?"

Well, no, not actually. I'm not in school anymore. Now I have to construct my own recesses. Because, really, as adults, our whole lives have so much freedom, to children, they wish they had that much, and so we cherished recess when we were children because of that. Now, we take that freedom for granted. And we feel that we don't have any, because we're tied down to survival - like having to make moneys so we can eat and live comfortably. But that's not really true.

I think we do have the capacity to take recesses if we want - spontaneously - at any time - but people don't do it because either they A) Don't know how or B) Need a diagram or C) Refuse or maybe D) Don't have the capacity and even possibly F) Are generally over stimulated to the point that the recess is so buried, so infact recessed, that retrieving it is close to impossible - the recess is possibly crushed under the weight of all the pointless bullshit they've packed their skulls with. This, is probably one of the most unfortunate things, because, I almost see it as killing a child - killing your innocence.

"Your recess is innocent?"

Well, no doubt that over the years, parts of reality and political correctness have seeped into this cavity - it's almost unavoidable - but you can govern it. You can have this recess play well with other parts of your brain - the so called "more mature parts" - the "older kids" so-to-speak. And they can both create something which is useful.

"How is it useful?"

It's useful because we need to escape once in a while.

"People take vacations."

Even that is troublesome - because you have to spend money and you have this finite timeline and flights to catch and car rental contracts to sign. Vacation? Hardly. More like a time that you really get to help out the economy - kind of like Christmas. Vacations are hardly escapes, unless you're obscenely wealthy and can afford to take really long vacations. Most people can't do that. You shouldn't have to spend money to get away from it all. This is what the recess is useful for - to escape - for free. Of course, the government doesn't like us taking these recesses because A) They don't help drive the economy and B) They can't tax it.

"Do you really think the government cares?"

Yes! There's been this movement over the past century to make daydreamers and oddballs looks like idiots and "weirdos". If only surrealism was en vogue - you have no idea of how quickly our economy would reverse itself. Please - you think they would allow people to have crazy thoughts? To daydream? Not at the expense of the economy - of course they would replace that word with freedom when they spoke out against these liberal "un american" ways of life.

"Do you think they would allow time cogs?"

I don't see why not. The time cog only makes time feel faster - it doesn't make it faster. So I don't see why they would be opposed to allowing it. Unless of course, they wanted people's well being to decrease.

"Why would they want to do that?"

Please - oh christ - you really don't know?


To help fuel the pharmaceutical industry. When people's helth is poor what do they do? They get medicine. They see a doctor.

"Or a psychologist."

Or a psychologist.

How much time do I have left?